
Day 1: January 20, 2017 -- "American Carnage"

The Lead:  At precisely 12:00 noon, President Trump is sworn in by Chief Justice Roberts, six minutes after Vice President Pence officially assumes his position with the assistance of Associate Justice Thomas. In his inaugural address -- the shortest oration of its kind in the last 40 years -- the new leader of the free world promises to end "American carnage," promising a nationalistic agenda that will see the country set aside its superpower status and instead be guided by the principle of "America First," a central campaign theme. Continuing with his presentation of himself as an outsider, he pledges to "t ransfer... power from Washington, you, the people." The first president to have never held political or military office prior to winning the White House is as optimistic as one can possibly be, assuring those assembled that " America will start winning again, winning like never before." On the dais, former President George W. Bush i

What Am I Doing Here?

 Good afternoon, As I type these words on the afternoon of December 22, 2020, President Donald J. Trump is finally  fewer than 30 days away from becoming Former President Donald J. Trump -- and, hopefully, he will earn the title of New York State Inmate Donald J. Trump shortly thereafter. 45's time in office might be just about over, but his legacy must live on forever, so that our country will learn from its mistakes and never, ever again place its highest office in such incompetent hands. At Trumpworld Revisited, I plan on giving a day-by-day history of this administration, starting with Inauguration Day 2017 and continuing up until January 20, 2021, when President-Elect Joe Biden will be sworn in. We'll look back at the amusing incompetence as well as the appalling evil, one day at a time. Buckle up. It's going to be just as wild a ride as it was the first time. Michael